PLDD= Percutaneous Laser
Disc Decompression


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ATTENTION! Since few years many doctors in Italy, in the United Kingdom, Russian Fedration, Ukraina, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Gulf Region and other Countries in the World, without any specific training and without experience. They "say" to practice PLDD but use the wrong lasers and incorrect parameters (so they do not practice "PLDD according to method of Prof. Choy ") putting at risk first the health of the patients and secondly the good name of the technique.

Prof. Daniel Choy officially appointed Dr. Gian Paolo Tassi, in September 2007, as Director of the European Partners of the Laser Spine Center in New York (closed in 2011 when  Prof. Choy retired). Dr. Gian Paolo Tassi was the first to introduce PLDD in Italy (second in Europe) in December 2002. From December 2002 till today (December 2018), Dr. Gian Paolo Tassi has performed more than 4,000 PLDD and has the largest experience in the world after Prof. Daniel SJ Choy (8,200 cases) and Dr. Johannes Hellinger (11,000 cases) retired.



© 2014-2019 Copyright © Doctor Gian Paolo Tassi - registration number on the Surgeons General Medical Council (GMC) of Ascoli Piceno Province, Italy: 02262
VAT CODE: IT 01773120447

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